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Sport in the Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives: Sport, Race and Ethnicity : The Scope of Belonging? (2015, Hardcover) download book TXT, PDF, MOBI


Analyses of racialisation processes within and beyond sport would be incomplete without a consideration of ethnicity and ethnic identities. Why? Because ethnicity, as a concept and as a focus for research, captures better the diverse experiences of social groups and the scope of belonging. Ethnic identities contribute to the way race and racism is constructed and experienced in sport, and to the ways in which racial ideologies are created, recreated and contested. Readers will find here a stimulating array of papers that capture varied aspects of the sport, race and ethnicity nexus around the world. The journey stretches as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ghana and the USA and, in so doing, it draws on a range of disciplinary approaches that converge or diverge by degrees. Such diversity is to be welcomed in an academic field characterized increasingly by the potential richness of people's experiences of sport, race and ethnicity within various cultural contexts. Included here are papers from a range of disciplines and approaches including sociology, politics, sports feminisms, critical race theory, a strengths perspective, Kaupapa M ori Theory, history and sports development. This book was published as a special issue of Sport and Society."

- Sport in the Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives: Sport, Race and Ethnicity : The Scope of Belonging? (2015, Hardcover) ebook DOC, MOBI, TXT